Framing Letter #1

I have almost completely changed how I revise for the better. In the beginning of the semester, I looked for mainly surface errors, such as grammar, capitalization and format. As I learned more about focusing on the bigger picture, I developed better revising skills. I learned to look at content, the flow, the transitions, claim sentences, thesis, and how every piece connects to the thesis. Then I can focus on the small things, which are easier to fix. Another thing that I learned is to not only critique, but to compliment. I’ve usually just critiqued when editing my own or someone else’s paper. Instead, I’ve found that making as may useful comments that are both compliments and suggestions works better. I learned this through having others edit my work. I found that even though someone else can point out things for me to fix, it’s also good to hear what I’m doing well or what my reader likes to read. This not only helped to boost my confidence, but it substantially helped me when it came time to do the edits. Most times, I could work off of both types of comments to move forward in my writing.